
Welcome to the docs of musicCard. This component showcases your music to others in your website. You can visit its Github to clone it.


musicCard utilizes API, so you will need an API key from them. It's free, so don't worry!

About the project

This is a simple component that shows your last music data, it can fetch the data from various platforms thanks to You can connect all your music apps, and it will showcase your latest activity. It has two states: "Now Playing" and "Last Played." Here's how they look:

Now Playing Demo Last Played Demo

Besides the showcase, you can also click on the card to visit the song's page. Here's the demo:

Link Click Demo


To clone musicCard, you can simply go ahead and do:

# Install npm and clone the repository. Then, install the packages.
npm install -g npm
git clone
cd musicCard
npm install

Now you will have a Skeleton project that works with SvelteKit and also includes Tailwind CSS.Thanks to them, developing your website is way easier and faster. However, if you don't want to install them, you can take this work as an example to create your own component.

To get the project working, create a .env file in your root directory. Inside it should look like this:



Now that you've set up the project correctly, you need to set up your account and adjust your username. Otherwise it won't work properly.

Default variables

If you'd like, you can change the example variables I've put in. I don't think it's necessary though.

// /src/lib/musicCard/musicCard.svelte

// Set default variables
export let status = 'Now Playing';
export let song = 'Example Song #1';
export let artist = 'Artist';
export let songLink = '';

// Create and decide on background URL
export let backgroundUrl = "bg-[url('/weatherBg/sunny-animated.svg')]";

You can customize these as you like. I use a weather background for my default backgroundUrl, but you can adjust it to your liking.

Adding your username

After that, you should adjust your Javascript file to put in your username. Otherwise it'll fetch "example" user's data.

// /src/routes/+page.server.js

// Import lastfm API key
import { LAST_FM_API_KEY } from '$env/static/private';
// Change username here
let usernameLastfm = 'example';
Changing icons (optional)

The component allows you to adjust the icons of "Now Playing" or "Last Played." Here's how:

// /src/lib/musicCard/musicCard.svelte

{#if status == 'Last Played'}
	<!--Last Played icon-->
		class="mr-1 h-4 w-4"
		data-name="last played copy"
		viewBox="0 0 1500 1500"
		/><circle cx="750" cy="750.5" r="70.57" /></svg

You can adjust the "Last Played" icon by replacing the SVG code. Remember to put in fill="#FBE7D1" to your icon, so it will show up in the right color.

// /src/lib/musicCard/musicCard.svelte

let nowPlayingIconBG = "bg-[url('/icons/nowPlayingCSS.svg')]";

You can adjust the "Now Playing" icon by replacing this variable in the script part of musicCard. If you're going to use animated SVG files, be careful to use CSS animations for embedded SVGs and JS animations for open SVGs.

Final Notes

Even though simple, I like the idea of showing people a hint of my music taste. If you also do, you can easily install musicCard to share! Another thing, huge shout-out to Burak Sümer as I discovered API thanks to him. You can use and change musicCard however you like, and I hope you'll have as much fun as I did! If you have any questions regarding this, don't hesitate to contact me via email. Finally, don't forget to watch out for what you're listening, people are looking!